Recent research states that ¼ of the world’s population uses social media in some capacity.
Even if you are not a user of social media, it is important to know that at least 1 of every 4 attendees at your event does. Here are some clever ways to capitalize on today’s social media mindset:
- Use visuals – Creating interesting visuals and unique décor concepts will encourage attendees to Snap and Share!
- Make it a contest – The gaming mindset is intertwined in social media; especially in the younger workforce generation. The first 50 people who post a selfie using the hashtag #yourmessage or tagging your company in front of your branded visual will receive a free “something or other”.
- Arm them with tools – Is there anything better than being somewhere with free wifi or a convenient place to charge your device? Extra multi-device chargers at the registration desk are also a bonus!
- Lose the PPT – Today most business and meeting professionals are well-versed in PowerPoint, but we encourage you to step out of your comfort zone. There are so many dynamic cloud-based solutions that integrate with social media… Prezi and Emaze are two of our personal favorites.
- Feed the News – Incorporate a newsfeed in every attendee interaction. From your event website to your registration platform to your onsite mobile app and Audience Response system, a social newsfeed has become second nature. People are accustomed to the style and the tool can encourage collaboration and idea sharing in a casual way.
- Don’t wait for them to come to you – When done right, live streaming your important sessions, not only gets your attendees engaged but it’s also easy for them to social share with colleagues. Bonus Tip: Get to know Google Hangout!
- Let’s give ‘em something to talk about – Don’t forget the importance of teasers and excitement building. Take the topic of your most popular session and begin posting teasers, asking questions and generating buzz through social media. Even better… take a public poll of topic preferences!
AMI CMO, Todd Bludworth says, “Facebook has taught us that people want to be their own star, and when you provide something unique and engaging for your attendees to share, you will make them shine! You scratch their back, and they are sure to scratch yours.”