The Top 3 Tips for Working With Translation Companies at Meetings and Conferences

When meeting and convention planners put together events outside of their own country, they’re most likely always in need of a translation company.  There are specific tips that can be used when working with a translation company.  These tips are reviewed below and also within the attached video. John Cotter, Vice President of Meeting Operations, put the list and video together.

1) Communicate your requirements as clearly as possible.  If you have a certain message you’d like to convey through your event planning services, tell the translators before the event so your points won’t be lost in the process.  Providing printed materials ahead of time will make the process much smoother and precise.

2) If the conference revolves around a particular industry, ask the company if there are translators who have worked with this industry before, as they are more likely to understand technical terms and acronyms.

3) Pay special attention to VIPs by assigning them their own translator.  This will ensure your message gets across in the clearest possible way to the individuals you’re trying to impress at any corporate special event.

If you’re in need of direction for a translation service or guidance towards your next conference or meeting, please contact American Meetings, Inc. at or visit our website at

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