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How to Feel Great at Your Next Meeting

​Making Experiences More Meaningful

How do you usually show up to meetings? Bursting with energy and a spring in your step, or fueled by coffee and just barely staying awake?

More and more businesses are focusing on the need for better well-being in the workplace, but what about when you switch venues or have to attend an event? Long journeys, travel delays, and switching time zones can wreak havoc on the way you feel, both physically and mentally. Here are a few tips to help you prioritize your well-being at your next meeting.

Take time for yourself

For introverts, in particular, meetings or events can be challenging. Spending all day, or multiple days, in the company of others can be draining, especially if you have a packed schedule. Perhaps you can get out before breakfast for a walk, squeeze in a quick swim at the hotel pool before dinner, or take yourself out of the venue during a break between sessions to get some fresh air.

Many of us don’t get much time to ourselves at home, so traveling for meetings and events can actually be the perfect opportunity to enjoy some me-time. Why not slip a face mask (or gel eye mask) into your bag to help revive tired skin, or take advantage of the fancy hotel toiletries with a soak in the bath and a good book?

Get enough sleep

For the average three-day work trip, a traveler will lose 5 hours of sleep, going up to 9.5 lost hours over a seven-day trip. On average, people will lose 1.4 hours of sleep the night before traveling to a work event, often due to stress, having to get up earlier to make the trip, or because they’re busy preparing.

Nobody wants to be tired and grouchy while they’re trying to focus at a meeting, so prioritize getting plenty of sleep. Being in a different environment often makes sleep more challenging, so bring earplugs, an eye mask, or even a pillow spray to help you drift off faster. If you’ve crossed time zones, it’s generally best to adapt your sleep schedule to local time to minimize jet lag and help you adjust faster, but a 20-minute power nap shouldn’t cause any harm if you’re really struggling!

Don’t forget your vitamins!

At events or meetings, attendees often find that they’re eating a lot of rich, heavy food. Those delicious lunches and dinners may taste good, but you can quite easily get to the end of a multi-day event without touching a piece of fruit! If you’re drinking alcohol at social team-building evenings, you may also find yourself feeling dehydrated (and a little worse for wear).

While you may not have much control over the catering, you can certainly come prepared with your own supplies. For instance, vitamin sachets will help keep your vitamin levels topped up, and as an added bonus, you’ll also be getting more water. You probably won’t want to bring fresh fruit or vegetable snacks with you, especially if your meeting spans multiple days, but consider bringing dried fruit, nuts, or water flavorings to keep in your hotel room.

Practice mindfulness

Whether or not you practice mindfulness at home, everyone could benefit from a little well-being boost ahead of a busy work meeting. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be a big commitment – a few minutes of meditation or breathing exercises first thing in the morning or last thing at night will help you calm your mind and prepare for a busy day, or help you unwind at the end of one.

Apps such as Calm or Headspace will lead you through simple meditations and mindfulness exercises depending on what you need in the moment, or you can access guided meditations and white noise on Spotify or YouTube for free. Just a few minutes of these a day will help you recalibrate your mind, reduce overwhelm, and regain focus and clarity, putting you in the right mindset for the days ahead.

Set realistic expectations

Going into your meetings with clear goals will give you a focus for the event. Whether that’s gaining clarity on a new business direction, connecting with new colleagues, or delivering a successful presentation, use your time traveling to the meeting to set your intentions.

But don’t go too crazy! Meetings can already be stressful, so don’t pile extra pressure on your plate. Even one goal per day can help you stay focused, without getting distracted with too many aims. At the end of each day, you can take stock of what you achieved, and what you want to achieve tomorrow, ensuring you make the most of your time.

Looking to make well-being a priority at your next event?

We can help! Contact American Meetings today to find out how we can help you put well-being at the heart of your future meetings.

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