The Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas recently wrapped its annual exhibition, which this year included over 4,000 exhibitors, 1,200 speakers, and 184,000 attendees. The show, put on each year by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), first launched in 1967, over 50 years ago, as a way to introduce new consumer electronics innovations and products to the public. It’s come a long way over the last five decades, and the exhibit this year proved that robots and smart technologies are the waves of the future.
Not only did the show feature a host of smart technologies, including AI designed to manage the inventory of your fridge, create ideal sleep conditions to alleviate snoring, and of course, allow greater control over your multimedia options with voice commands, but the move toward smart technology extended beyond the show. At least one area hotel interested in enhanced event management debuted relay robots to improve attendee experience during their stay for CES.
Robots in the Ranks
During CES 2018, the Las Vegas Renaissance Hotel unveiled Elvis and Priscilla, two of many relay robots created by tech company Savioke. These robots have applications in hospitals, logistics, and more, but they really shine within the service and hospitality industries.
As they cruise the corridors of the hotel, they can call elevators, check for Wi-Fi outages, pick up trays and other items left in hallways, and even be tasked with room deliveries, managing basic guest needs while allowing staff members to attend to more important tasks. “We are always looking for the latest innovative technologies to bring in to our meetings. We believe the use of these automated robots has real-life applications at meetings from registering attendees at the hospitality desk to dropping nightly gifts off at attendees room. There a lots of ways they can be utilized in meeting planning”, says Andy McNeill, CEO of American Meetings, Inc., a global leader in the meetings industry. ”Robots won’t be replacing the meeting planner anytime soon, and they certainly can’t compete when it comes to personal interactions, but they can perform menial tasks that can let the on-site team focus on a better attendee experience.”
Is a hotel employee really going to wander the hallways checking the Wi-Fi signal? In most cases, hotel staff won’t know there’s a problem until guests call in. Having the relay robots on staff means such issues can be identified and addressed before guests even realize there’s a problem, significantly improving the customer experience in the process.
Future Applications in Event Management for the Average Meeting Planner
Robotics and smart technologies are advancing in leaps and bounds and there are applications in every industry, from home goods and hospitality, to event management. It’s important to understand not only the technologies that could make your job easier and improve the experience for event attendees but also the companies that can properly coordinate technologies and associated logistics for your benefit.
Consider, for example, how Savioke’s relay robots could be used from an event management perspective. Event coordinators could task them with checking Wi-Fi connectivity or making deliveries, just as in hotels. These robots are far from the only option emerging to help the average meeting planner improve attendee experience at events.
What you need is a partner in event management that can help you to find and implement the right technologies for your needs. With a reputable company like American Meetings, Inc. on your side, you’ll gain a trusted partner to coordinate strategic planning, technologies and services, and logistics for everything from meetings to conventions. When you want to implement the latest technologies for unique and innovative events, AMI is at the ready.