3 Useful Links Necessary for International/Global Meeting Planners

As a global meeting, conference and event planning company we at AMI research and coordinate our upcoming international meetings thoroughly.  Through our experience we have discovered and utilize several informational websites quite frequently.  We want to share these with the many event marketing and meeting planners out there dealing with the task of planning events in numerous cities around the world.   Trying to align multiple schedules in differing time zones, with countless currency conversions and a variety of postage calculations can be a challenge. Therefore, it helps to have these informative sources. If you plan international meetings and events we know you will use these often.  Mark them as your favorites in your web browser today!

World Clock:






International Postage Calculations:

international mail






Currency Conversion to Euros (or from Euros):

money converter







  • If you need to convert to other currency units, this site also provides a universal unit currency converter


Kudos to sites like these that help to make the job of a meeting planner a little easier.

Contact AMI for all your international meeting and event needs.

E-mail: bd@americanmeetings.com

Phone: 866-337-7799


Happy Planning!!!




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