“Banding People Together” is a program made up of a few selected people who have been trained to instruct individuals, and teams, on how to work at their highest capacity collectively. This type of team building activity is extremely effective in the corporate event planning industry. The interesting thing about this program is that teams, or “Bands” are made up of a selected amount of people who are “Rock Stars” and “Collaboration Experts”. This group’s goal is to empower each team member to work well within a group, while highlighting their own specific talents. Additionally, the result is a higher level of employee engagement and increasing productivity and creativity. Professional growth with current employees is always beneficial to management at all levels in the events industry.
The following are some of the programs that can be customized to meet your event company’s needs and time requirements:
- Collaboration Through Songwriting – In this program a group of individuals work together through different stages to structure a song.
- Team Harmony Through Songwriting – This program is similar to the collaboration through songwriting, but more intense. The team works with one another through a five-part harmony methodology that consists of elements to increase team building.
- The 3 Chords of Collaboration – This program includes musical performance interludes and working in collaboration with your team.
Companies within the meeting planning industry will find these programs extremely useful in building comradery and cohesiveness within a team. All companies, in event planning or other industries, survive on teamwork and collaboration from different departments within their organizations.
For information on team building contact AMI at: bd@amiwebstaging.wpenginepowered.com or visit our website at: www.americanmeetings.com