3 Creative Ideas for Memorable Holiday Cards

At AMI we are always working to improve our client relationships.   That’s why when the holiday season arrives, we work to be creative with our holiday card ideas in order to impress our clients.  In the attempt to make sure that our cards are received with the correct message and intent many end up with a boring and forgettable card.  Here are a few ideas that you can use to impress and improve your client relationships during this holiday season in a memorable way.

Personalized Cards

Real cards can be more personal, particularly if you sign and address them by hand. As an extra bonus if your card is placed on someone’s desk in an office there is a outstanding chance it, and your company name, will be seen by other potential clients too.


If you’re time is short, have more than a few to send or would like to “Go Green” then eCards could be the answer. Many companies are aware of their environmental impact and “Going Green” with eCards is often a reason to choose them over paper cards. The most important advantage with eCards is the cost benefit especially if you are sending hundreds or thousands.  For those who are on a tight budget this is a great way to get your holiday message out without breaking your budget.

Homemade Cards

You could choose to see this as an opportunity to, not simply remind your clients of who you are, but also remind them of how outstanding you are at what you do.  For those professionals in creative fields, this is your way to impress and show your attention to detail and your skills as a creative partner.

Regardless how you chose to express your gratitude during the holidays with your clients it’s always important to show that you care.

Here is our personal holiday message for you all:

 “One of the real Joys this Holiday season is the opportunity to say Thank You and wish you the very best for the New Year.

From all of us at American Meetings, Inc. – AMI, Here’s to a season filled with warmth, comfort and good cheer.”

 Happy Holidays!!! And Happy Planning!!!

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