5 Digital Tools Meetings Industry Suppliers Should Be Using


Digital solutions that allow suppliers to know their customers are more readily available now than ever before. It is important to have a well rounded marketing plan that includes the use of digital tools in order to reach and engage your audience, specially corporate meeting planners and event professionals who are in charge of tens of millions in meeting spend.

If you are considering to implement new digital sales tools to your sales strategy to increase your numbers and make an impact in your organization, there are some digital sales and marketing tools in the market that are worth considering.

AMI spotlights five easy and highly effective ways to understanding how your customers engage with your business in today’s digital world.

  • Google Analytics: How are your customers interacting with your website? What pages are capturing their attention, (and, which aren’t)? How did they arrive on your page? All of these analytics provide valuable insight into your customer and can help you develop a more effective online presence.
  • Google Trends: Which search terms are trending? Understanding search trends within your industry will allow you to optimize your website’s SEO, keywords and can do wonders to help uncover new business opportunities.
  • SurveyMonkey: Directly engage with your clients and get feedback on where you can improve. Ask open ended questions and allow for your customer to use their own words.
  • Meetingsoft: It’s all about access to Meeting Planners and your “go-to place” to connect with Meeting Planning Talent. AMI’s global network brings together the best meeting planning talent, venues, technology, and services worldwide–to build and flawlessly deliver the custom virtual and live meeting experiences our clients demand for engaging their key audiences.
  • HubSpot: If you’re looking for a CRM that allows you to manage all of your customers data in a single cloud-based system, that also offers state-of-the-art marketing solutions, look no further than HubSpot. By providing a wealth of templates, options and tracking methods and a user-friendly platform, HubSpot will allow you to see the full picture of your marketing and sales efforts and provide a deeper understanding into what truly drives your customers.  

The key to success with these tools is basically about how you use them, how frequent and how you measure and interpret results. If you follow these best practices, you will immediately notice how faster your sales cycle will be and how easier will be to close those sales!

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